"Maybe I didn't fight in a war, but I'm allowed to have a crappy day just like everyone else. Something that was really important to me ended. I know it was a little goofy, but it was a big part of my life, and when big things end, it's hard not to imagine how they started, so please, if you could just ease up for maybe two seconds". I really love how Kevin put his emotions that precisely and frankly and his awareness to the "right" to be down. It took me years to get that, and it really feels good - making you more connected both to the real self and to others.
這部真的拍得比舊版的第三集還爛耶有了這麼多好演員前面幾部鋪下來的世界觀跟人物關係這麼多精彩的人物可以用根本隨便拍都可以比現在好很多啊 也不是說真的很難看摩托黑帮有些地方還是可以入戲打鬥也有些好的地方但這都是歸功於演員或是電影元素本身想到這是X-Men的最後一集想到被浪費的東西有多珍貴就真的不能原諒啊